The desk architect Stock Images by cherezoff 0 / 16 Evaluating the Work Stock Photography by kk5hy 5 / 262 Room with office area and exit to backyard Stock Photo by irina88w 4 / 35 Yellow office room interior with antique furniture Stock Photographs by irina88w 2 / 17 Architect desk designer workplace spiral notebook Stock Photography by lunamarina 3 / 161 Desk Pictures by Gudella 10 / 567 Young attractive architect working late at office Pictures by Productionperig 2 / 35 Construction drawing. Stock Image by irina88w 11 / 599 Two attractives architect working at the office Stock Images by Productionperig 2 / 46 Two architects reviewing the blueprints Pictures by endotune 29 / 1,377 Architect making a project at night Stock Photography by Bialasiewicz 1 / 32 Construction drawing. Stock Photography by JohanH 20 / 149 Attic cozy home office Stock Photos by irina88w 35 / 1,299 Blue modern home office interior design with dark brown furniture. Stock Photographs by irina88w 38 / 1,173 Architect's Hands Working On Blue Print At Desk Picture by racorn 5 / 54 Architect rolls and plans blueprint Stock Photos by vician 18 / 276 female architect Stock Photo by diego_cervo 7 / 148 Office interior with simple desk and bookshelf Stock Photos by irina88w 3 / 80 Architect rolls and house plans Stock Image by dziewul 6 / 96 Close up view of an architect working at office Stock Photo by Productionperig 3 / 38 Architect. I think it may be time to put together another one of these posts.Desk of an architect Stock Photo by can123 6 / 324 Architect's Dream Stock Photo by digerati 17 / 619 Two architects reviewing the blueprints Stock Photography by endotune 219 / 9,920 Architect Showing Picture Of House Stock Photo by AndreyPopov 11 / 119 Architect interior designer workplace carpenter design Stock Images by lunamarina 5 / 139 Architect Stock Photography by alexsalcedo 2 / 37 Home office and computer and chair with brown walls. Not everyone gets a say in how things look or how much personality they can convey at their office. What did you think of some of these work desks? I would appreciate it if you would be respectful to the people who took the time to send me the images of their desks. So were you surprised or did you see what you expected? I would love to hear your thoughts on the value of a proper work environment and the message that gets conveyed.
#Architect desk professional
I can’t help but think that if a person lays claim to their workspace that it would infer some sort of permanence – why hang art if you’re not going to be there very long? Just like architectural practices and styles are varied, so too are the desks of the employees, sometimes the message conveyed is more serious and professional than others. The culture of a business can partially be told through looking at the work environment. I found looking at these pictures entertaining and there was a time when I was not beneath wanting to work at a place simply because the offices looked “more inspiring” than others. I did notice that the ownership of the business was generally was reflected in the ownership of the desk area but I think that would be expected (think of it like owning your house versus renting you are more likely to make modifications when it’s yours). There are no right or wrong answers to these questions and after looking through the pictures that were submitted, I couldn’t see any patterns that were consistent across all the photo’s I received. Would it show the personality of the individual or the culture of the office? How about cubicles, open bullpen arrangements, private offices? How many would use drafting tables, computers, or some combination of the two? Would they be adorned with curiosities or spartan? Would their desks be orderly or a chaotic? I was curious to see if the desks belonging to the architects that responded would share any similarities. Is the question being: Can you tell anything about the person based on the appearance of their workspace? I sent out a request to architects and interior designers asking for pictures of their desks – as is – with no cleaning it up any more than would be typical. I’ve written about an architect’s office before (my office – here) but this time, I wanted to focus on the desk area itself. How have they changed over time and do they still serve the same purpose as they did just a few years ago? The act of doing this started me thinking about work environments – more specifically the desks of architects.

The picture below is of my old office … and the reason I have this picture is that I was experimenting with a recently acquired wide angle lens and wondered how much of this small room could I get in one picture.